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Most of us are all too familiar with the term, “Club Hopping!” This nightlife activity was, and still is, all about the excitement of having a variety of experiences and meeting different individuals for a night’s worth of fun! So!-Why limit this activity to the clubs of Las Vegas, New York, Spain, Miami, Dubai, London, and other well known places of partying? Why not bring this freedom of connecting to the app that is ALL about clubs? Yes! You guessed it! I’m talking about Clubhouse!
Clubhouse is a wonderful platform to host and or join inspirational, informative, educational, and or simply social events because (as the name implies) it has clubs galore! In fact, that’s the main focus of the app. I don’t believe in limitations- not in real life and certainly not on a social media platform. I saw the immediate value in networking, joining, and collaborating with other clubhouses. But unlike the days of partying and hopping club to club simply for fun, this type of club hoppin’ is about the strategy and purpose. When you are intentional about who you want to meet and who you want to add value to, networking whether it be online or in person is successful.
Collaboration always supersedes competition. With this in mind, on Saturday, April 10, 2021 through my club, Board of Black Physicians (BOBP) along with Dr. Dan Olu’s club, Health N Communication (HNC) we collaborated and organized our first club hoppin’ experience. It was awesome! So much so, that I decided to continue coordinating these club hoppin’ events to share my concept of building wonderful collaborative experiences and opportunities.